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Art and Suburbia Art and Surburbia: A World Art Book
by Chris McAuliffe, Sasha Grishin
524 plates in colour, many black & white illustrations, 136 pages, 255 x 200 mm (10" x 8")

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Art and Suburbia: A World Art Book

Hardcover, 136 pages
Published by Craftsman House
Publication date: March 1997
Dimensions (in inches): 0.74 x 10.69 x 8.95
ISBN: 9766410291

The `silent suburbs’ emptied W.H. Auden’s mind, but Chris McAuliffe finds much to marvel at in this book which juxtaposes images of suburbia in works from over 50 Australian artists with quotes from writers, humorists and commentators reflecting on the Australian suburb. The art represented ranges from turn of the century works by Arthur Streeton and Frederick McCubbin, to Clarice Beckett’s modernist 1930s streets and the post-war satire of John Brack, to today’s artists.

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