australian aboriginal art books exhibitions reviewed
Books: Art expert
Sue Smith, art historian and critic, selects and reviews a varied list of books.

Sue Smith selects and reviews Australian art exhibitions and controversial lifestyle issues.

Australian Aboriginal art books

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July 2000: Beyond the Dot: Aboriginal Art Authenticity Sue Smith examines controversial issues concerning the authenticity of Aboriginal art with traditional art holding the key to world understanding of Aboriginal culture. First published
September 1999:
Lawrence Daws: Recent Works : Sue Smith reviews an art exhibition by Lawrence Daws at Philip Bacon Galleries, Brisbane, Autralia.
August 1999: An impressionist Legacy: The millenium gift of Sara Lee Corporation : Sue Smith reviews the exhibition at the National Gallery og Australia, Autralia.
July 1999:
Robert Barnes: Recent Work: Sue Smith reviews an art exhibition by Robert Barnes at Philip Bacon Galleries, Brisbane, Autralia.
July 1999:
Tracker and Troopers: Sue Smith reviews an art exhibition by George Morant at Michel Sourgnes Fine Arts, Brisbane, Autralia.
23 May 1999:
Lloyd Rees: coming home Grafico is pleased to announce this new exhibition by The Rockhampton Art Gallery. The catalogue is now avaliable.
1 May 1999: Picture the Next Wave  After the death of Australian artist Arthur Boyd, Sue Smith looks at the future of Australian Art.  April 1999
29 April 1999: Arthur Boyd - An Obituary
: Sue Smith reports on the life of an exceptional Australian artist. Brisbane Australia.
24 April 1999: Culture Vultures: The fall-out from the lastest Aboriginal art controversy

The commodification of art is at the heart of the debate over the authenticity, or otherwise, of Aboriginal art. But, writes Sue Smith, is it fair - or even appropriate - to pick on the Aborigines in particular?Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
7 March 1999 "Charles Blackman: The Weaver of Mysterious Dreams" : Sue Smith interviews this great Australian artist about his work and previews the Blackman exhibition at Philip Bacon Galleries - March 1999
12 March 1999"Lifting Shadow from Aboriginal Art" : Grafico art expert, Sue Smith reports on the latest Aboriginal Arts Fake Controversy, Brisbane Australia.
16 February 99"Indonesian Gold: Treasures from the National Museum, Jakarta"
Queensland Art Gallery - March 26 - May 16 1999
2 February 99: Brought to Light: Australian Art 1850 - 1965 a critical review of the recent anthology by the Queensland Art Gallery on their Australian Art Collection.
23 December 98: Classic Cezanne a critical review of the current Paul Cezanne Exhibition at the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Australia.
23 December 98: Classic Cezanne: A book accompanying the Exhibition.
1 December 98: Lloyd Rees Article and Lloyd Rees book
1 December 98: Portrait of our Elders Photographs of C19th Aboriginal Australia: by Michael Aird, Curator, Queensland Museum.
1 November 98: Margret Olley Review and Margaret Olley book


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