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Andrew Sibley
Interview with Sue Smith

Recent Paintings at the Riverhouse Gallery
Brisbane, Australia. Sept - Oct 1998
The Art of Place:
The 4th National Indigenous Heritage Art Award.
Fire-Works Gallery - Brisbane Australia. August 1998
Classic Cezanne
Sue Smith's review of the "Classic Cezanne" - an exhibition curated by, and on display at the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Australia.
December 1998 to Feb 28 1999. Review includes prices, opening times etc.
Indonesian Gold:
Treasures from the National Museum, Jakarta
Queensland Art Gallery, March 26 - May 16. Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, June-August 1999.
Emily Kame Kngwarreye. Alhalkere 'Paintings From Utopia'
Queensland Art Gallery 20 February to 13 April 1998; The Art Gallery of NSW 15 May to 19 July 1998; National Gallery of Victoria 8 September to 22 November 1998 Emily Kane Kngwarreye
Emily Kame Kngwarreye
Philip Bacon Galleries - Brisbane, Australia. February 1998
Stewart MacFarlane
A Country Life

Philip Bacon Galleries, Brisbane, Australia. August 1998
New Guinea Now
Various Artists from the Hugh Steverson Collection,
Michel Sourgnes Fine Arts, Brisbane, Australia. July-August, 1998
Margaret Olley
Philip Bacon Galleries, Brisbane, Australia. October 1998
Lloyd Rees
Sue Smith interviews Alan and Jan Rees about Lloyd Rees, their recent donation of drawings to the Qld Art Gallery and the upcoming Lloyd Rees touring exhibition by Rockhampton Art Gallery in 1999
William Robinson
Recent Painting

Ray Hughes Gallery at Savode, Brisbane, Australia. September, 1997
Garry Shead
The Royal Suite

Philip Bacon Galleries, Brisbane, Australia. 1996
Garry Shead
Recent Paintings: D.H. Lawrence Series

Philip Bacon Galleries, Brisbane, Australia. June-July, 1993
Jeffrey Smart
Interview with Sue Smith

Philip Bacon Galleries, Brisbane, Australia. November, 1996
Fred Williams
In Queensland

Philip Bacon Galleries, Brisbane, Australia. July 1998
Charles Blackman
Interview with Sue Smith

and a review of his latest exhibition at Philip Bacon Galleries, Brisbane, Australia. March, 1999
Lifting Shadow from Aboriginal Art
Grafico art expert, Sue Smith reports on the latest Aboriginal Arts Fake Controversy, Brisbane Australia.
Arthur Boyd
An Obituary

Sue Smith writes on the life of Arthur Boyd 1920 - 1999
Australia. April 1999
Culture Vulture
The commodification of art is at the heart of the debate over the authenticity, or otherwise, of Aboriginal art. But, writes Grafico art expert Sue Smith, is it fair - or even appropriate - to pick on the Aborigines in Particular? April 1999 Brisbane Australia.
Picture the Next Wave
After the death of Australian artist Arthur Boyd, Grafico expert Sue Smith looks at the future of Australian Art.  April 1999
An Impressionist Legacy: the millenium gift of Sara Lee Corporation
Sue Smith review the exhibition at the National Gallery of Australian. August 1999
Trackers and Troopers
Sue Smith reviews an art exhibition by George Morant at Michel Sourgnes Fine Arts, Brisbane Australia, July 1999. Sue Smith reviews an art exhibition by George Morant at Michel Sourgnes Fine Arts, Brisbane Australia, July 1999.
Robert Barnes: Recent Works
Sue Smith reviews an art exhibition by Robert Barnes at Philip Bacon Galleries, Brisbane Australia, July/August 1999.
Lawrence Daws: Recent Works
Sue Smith reviews an art exhibition by Lawrence Daws at Philip Bacon Galleries, Brisbane Australia, September 1999.


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This page was last updated Jan 2004