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Emily Kngwarreye Paintings
by Jennifer Isaacs, Terry Smith, Judith Ryan, Donald Holt, jane Holt, Janet Holt Craftsman House,
70 plates in colour, 192 pages, hardcover, 286 x 254 mm (111/2" x 10"), 90 5703 68 19

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Emily Kngwarreye Paintings

The late Emily Kngwarreye (c.1910-1996) was a senior member of the Utopia community north-east of Alice Springs and is widely regarded as one of the most notable Aboriginal artists of recent times.
The abstract painterly quality of her work has attracted widespread international interest. Kngwarreye was born at Alhalkere, north-west of Utopia Station in the remote central Australian desert. A member of the Eastern Anmatyerre tribe, she became known for her batik work but did not produce her first painting on canvas until 1988. In her earliest work, topographic references were worked over with layers of paint daubed on by her fingers, or applied with a stick or brush. Her later works featured vibrant lines of colour -- recalling ceremonial body decoration -- or were characterised by richly textured and expressionistic brushwork.

The 70 full colour plates in this attractive book are complemented by contributions providing different viewpoints on the artist -- ranging from Aboriginal art experts, Judith Ryan and Jennifer Isaacs, to a contemporary art specialist, Terry Smith, and to art dealers and station owners, Donald and Janet Holt, who worked with Kngwarreye and knew the artist well.

review_sm..JPG (16517 bytes)
Read Sue Smith's reviews of the recent exhibitions of  Emily Kame Kngwarreye
kng3.JPG (6120 bytes)  ALHALKERE - PAINTINGS FROM UTOPIO Queensland Art Gallery 1998
Kng4.JPG (10196 bytes) EMILY KAME KNGWARREYE - Philip Bacon Gallery 1998



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